Thursday, December 3, 2020

Write An Article In Romanian


Voi scrie un articol în limba română. Articolul va fi documentat, fără plagiat, scris cu diacritice și corect din punct de vedere gramatical. Pot scrie atât articole optimizate pentru web, cât și articole de cercetare. Pentru articolele de cercetare, pretul poate sa difere.

Vă rog să mă contactați înainte de a plasa comanda. Îmi rezerv dreptul de a refuza comenzi care nu corespund principiilor mele (conținut pentru adulți, conținut rasist sau orice altă formă de discriminare, articole care presupun încălcarea drepturilor de autor, sau cele care sunt în mod evident teme/lucrări pentru școală/facultate).

EN: I will write an article in Romanian. The article will be well-documented, it will not be plagiarized, it will contain diacritics, and it will be grammatically correct. I write SEO content, and articles that require extensive research. For research, the price might vary.

Contact me before purchasing. I reserve the right to refuse orders that do not comply with my principles (adult content, racist content or any other form of discrimination, articles that involve copyright infringement, or those that are obviously school/university papers).



Everything worked as discussed. We sent the text we needed translated and we received the translation withing the timeframe agreed. Furthermore, ours were technical blog posts and we assumed they would be challenging to translate. Laura did an impeccable work !


Perfect work on articles heavy on technical content. This is the third time our company is working with Laura and we are impressed by the quality of her writing.


Great work as always, great communication, this is the 2th time I order from this seller, I get exactly what I am looking for every single time. Great work!!!


Delivered what promised


Perfect delivery as always - thank you!

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