Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Create A Top 5 Blog Post 700 To 1600 Words In Length


I will write a "Top 5" listicle on a range of topics, including (but not limited to) lifestyle, relationships, travel, and business, ranging from 700-1600 words. Examples of these may include "Top 5 things to do when 'meeting the parents' from another culture", or "Five things to 'know before you go' when traveling on a business trip".

Basics of What I'll provide:

  • I will only provide content, and no images or charts
  • If I use any quotes, or information otherwise not known, I will provide references for that information.  
  • If this is a topic I am not familiar with, I will do ample research before writing (and will disclose that to you beforehand), but have allotted time for this in the 3 day window. You will not be charged extra for this.
  •  I will provide this in a google document.
  • This is not for Salesforce content.

Have more questions? Let's chat!



Thank you for your excellent article.


Thank you so much!


Fantastic job delivered on the first draft!


An experienced and professional writer. Fast and reliable. Highly recommended!


Great post as usual! Thank you!

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