Saturday, June 6, 2020

On Page SEO For Wordpress


White Hat On page SEO is the greatest & the most effective way to get ORGANIC potential visitors from Search Engine.

Quality Content -> Best Search Engine Optimization -> More Organic Visitors.

I can't rank your website or pages with targeted keywords overnight. It is not possible. Why? Message me.

If you need this, find others, you will get more. But one suggestion for you - Don't make your Website to be listed in Blacklist of Search Engine.

How I will do optimize your WordPress Blog/Website:

1. Analyzing Overall Website.
2. Finding & fixing Broken Links.
3. Checking & fixing anchor tags.
4. Checking duplicate content & giving suggestions to your content writer for fixing it.
5. Checking, fixing & generating robots.txt, ads.txt, sitemap XML files.
6. Page Speed Optimization. 
7. Checking and fixing Structured Data/Schema Markup.
8. Keyword Research & Implementation.
9. Installing & Configuring Yoast SEO plugin & any plugin you need.
10. Adding to Google, Bing/Yahoo, Yandex etc.
11. Integrating to Google/Bing/Yandex Webmaster, Analytics.

N.B. Services is applicable according to the package.

Please message me before placing the order. 


Seller's Response:

Another great job

Seller's Response:

High skilled guy. Thank you

Seller's Response:

Easy to work with him. Thanks.

Seller's Response:

It's the fifth time I'm working with Elliyas, he made a great job as always


Baptist Dulaar is very helpful person who always help to complete the project with accuracy.

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