Friday, April 30, 2021

Write Content Related To Golf


I have played golf for over 30 years - competed in High School and College.  I continue to play in amateur events and both of my sons play competitive golf across the country.  I am currently a +1 handicap and I enjoy coaching our PGA Jr. team and helping with our local High School team.

I will leverage my experiences in the game to provide you with great golf content. 

I have been posting to my junior golf blog since 2019, if you want to see some samples of my writing (

Let me know your topic of choice.  Potential ideas include: Rules of Golf, Pace of Place, Growing the Game, Junior Golf Rankings, High School Golf, New Equipment, Putting with the Pin in, etc.



I am still laughing from the hilarious golfing article you wrote for me!! NICE work! Love your writing style. I WANT MORE!!!!!!


Ray did an excellent job writing about how to get kids involved in golf. Very detailed. Well done!


Great work, thanks Ray!


Great again thank you!


Good work :)

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